Mini Courses 
Home Study

These courses are designed to help you keep active minds and extend your knowledge on popular topics while in isolation.

 CourseS Available

We are testing our new platform for teaching. Please email your feedback to us o that we can improve what we are doing. Thankyou for your time and support. We hope that this really helps you in the stressful time. 



This is a free course for those who have studied lash extensions and want to look into eye shapes further. This lesson is modual 1 of many to come that will give you a certificate. Some of the topics will be, lash designs, layering, photo editing and advert posting and design.

Great for helpful tips and tricks and learn ways to increase your profits along the way.

This course is FREE! Thats right! It will not always be free but we are doing testing and would like your feedback.

CLICK ON THIS LINK : Training Online Course

Your Access key is freelesson1

Sign up and add yourself to the course! If you cannot view videos for any reason just let us know. Enjoy!